Amidst the chaos

August 20, 2012 § Leave a comment

It has been an action packed couple of months.

  • Trip to London, flying both ways BY MYSELF with the two boys. Actually really quite easy and almost (!) enjoyable. Travelling with kids is really no big deal, unless you make a big-ol fuss about it yourself (or you happen to have some bad luck…despite having an annoying delay, kids that did not sleep more than two winks on either flight, I was overall, very, very lucky)
  • Mini-trip to Paris with Matt and Oliver. He’s an international jet-setter before he’s even one! Gosh, I love Paris.
  • First night, first WEEKEND away from Avery!!!! He got to spend the weekend with Gran and Grandad in London. There were no complaints from either party.
  • Flight to San Diego with little O. Week at the beach with Grandma and Grandpa. Road trip back up to the bay via multiple  wonderful locations.

I have an endless list of blogposts to catch up on and another endless list of projects and things to get done or at least, to attempt. It can seem a little daunting at times like these when I just seem to be surrounded by alleyways and side streets cut through towering to-do lists but I feel rather calm and positive these days. The boys are starting to be a little more independent. Avery can pretty much go to bed on his own now, with a few extra cuddles and kisses and hand holds here and there. He very happily sleeps the entire night in his own bed (in your FACE people who said that my co-sleeping, midnight breastfeeding 1 year old would never be able to sleep on his own) he doesn’t wear diapers at all and we’ve only had one or two nighttime accidents. I couldn’t be more proud of the little guy. Oliver falls asleep with me in our  bed mostly  but he’ll happily sleep in his crib until the early hours when he wakes up for a snack. Anyway, the point of all of this is that we’re actually starting to get a little bit of alone time in the evenings. We watched The Grey the other night and made it all the way through the movie in one night!! With only a couple of interruptions!!! Doesn’t sound like a lot, but that’s a pretty big deal. I’m also starting to relax the amount of work I’m taking on a bit, at least, I’m trying to. I am generally awake with the boys throughout the day, doing all the fun (exhausting) stuff and then once they’re finally sleeping, I tuck into my work, often not making it to bed myself until the early hours. This schedule doesn’t actually bother me much at all except for the fact that it leaves no time at all for me to draw/write/make/bake/read or just hang out with my lovely husband. So, that’s what I’m working on fixing, and I’m getting there. Slowly.

One step at a time.


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